Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Kids Say the Darnedest Things!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Just Words
No pictures in this post, just an update.
- My mom was here for a week and then left on Saturday. I cried a lot. (I blame the hormones so she doesn't really know how much I miss her on a daily basis anyway).
- Isaac had an interview with the Kent Fire Department. Please pray that he did well and that the Chiefs look favorably on him. His odds are looking pretty good at this point but we still won't know anything for a while.
- Jeanine is growing so fast! At 1 week she'd already gained back her birthweight plus a few ounces...and her newborn sleepers are getting a little short in the toes! (That could be because my poor children are born with waterski's though).
- John is...two. He's learning everything so fast and talking really well now. I love spending time with my boy, but that time is sadly divided now and he's not liking it much. We're just dealing with things one at a time and continuing to work hard at pointing him to the Lord.
- I'm sleep deprived. Jeanine decided to lure us into a false sense of security really early on by sleeping for 5 hours straight, 5 nights in a row. Now she's back to the typical 3 hour stretches, sometimes 4, doh! I'm coping though, and looking forward to seeing the fruits of our labor when it comes to sleep training down the road.
That's all for now. I hope this post and the several before it find everyone well. I'd also like to say thank you to everyone who has sent food or gifts since Jeanine arrived. We are so thankful and grateful, and boy does it take forever to write all these Thank-You's! Hopefully I'll get around to it before she's in college.
Meeting Jeanine
Jim and Kathy with Jeanine, 12 hours old...maybe
My Cute Niece
Monday, August 25, 2008
Jeanine, Jeanine, and More Jeanine!
Sweet girl, lovin' her mama time
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Chip Fiend
Monday, August 18, 2008
More Baby Happenings
After this I paced and sat on the ball, and my awesome hubby massaged my back for a while during contractions. At 9pm I went into the bathroom and my water broke so Isaac ran me a bath to labor and possibly deliver in. I stayed in there (once again with NO pain relief, doh!) for about 10 or 15 minutes and decided not to have her in there, but when I got out of the tub we realized she was not going to hold on until we made it to the bedroom, so we stayed put! Less than 5 minutes later I was holding her in my arms and she was so perfect and alert! Surprisingly she had a perfectly rounded head and was born pink all over. We sat in the bathroom for a few minutes with her and decided to cut the cord. Isaac did the honors and then we went to the bedroom to get cleaned up.
After the placenta came was when things got a little scary. I started hemhorraging pretty badly and Nancy hurriedly got all of her supplies out to stop the bleeding. While laying on the bed I easily lost about 2.5 cups of blood so I ended up with a shot in the leg of Pitocin, an IV bag of fluids and Pitocin, and some Cytotec to stop the bleeding quickly. I was weak and got an immediate headache and was pale as a sheet for about 30 minutes, but once the bleeding stopped things improved quickly and I could hold Jeanine again. I had to stay laying down for about 30 minutes, then I sat up and leaned against the wall for another couple hours until I could stand. This is me still plugged into the IV, which we hung from a nail in the wall.
So anyway that's our birth story. Jeanine nurses like a champ, she caught on right away! The first 3 nights were amazingly hard though because she was up most of the night with terrible gas pain. The poor thing was drawing up her knees and kicking out her legs in such pain, I felt so bad for her!Thank goodness for my mom thought because without her I'd be living off of 3 hours of sleep! Last night was much much better as Isaac was home and had the first "shift". I was able to get some much needed restorative sleep between feedings and ended up with about 8 hours total! It definitely helped me get some energy back, considering I'm still recovering from the blood loss and the birth, naturally.
Ok, here's more pictures, no particular order. Enjoy!
Johnny holding his sissy for the first time...he's in love!
Jim and Kathy with the kids
Sleepy baby
Sleepy hubby
Grandma Julie w/ Jeanine
Closeup of Isaac and Jeanine
Little escape artist...she always gets her left mitten off!
Sweet Jeanine! "Thanks Auntie Jen for my beautiful afghan, it's my favorite right now!"
Big brother having fun with his new light saber!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Little Miss Jeanine
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
One of My Weird Passions...
I'm so excited! My girl isn't even here yet, therefore I'm obviously not lactating yet, but I've already found a recipient family for me to donate breastmilk to. Here's some background on me and my donating passion. While nursing John, my eyes were opened by a friend who watched an episode of Oprah (whom I have my own opinions of, but I guess the show was still pretty good that day) about donating excess breastmilk to babies who need it. I was immediately interested and got myself signed up through the National Milk Bank to be a donor. One blood test later and I was ready. They sent me a hospital grade breastpump and a gazillion bottles and I got started! Once my freezer was full, they sent a really nifty cooler for me to pack and call for pickup. Of course this was all free to me, and I knew I was helping babies in need of breastmilk, which is truly the best thing for any and all babies. After getting a little tired of pumping I decided to quit donating and have always regretted not doing more than I did that first time around.
This time, I did some preemptive research before my little one even arrived (still hasn't, but will soon!). I decided to go through a private party this time around so that I could actually develop a relationship with the family and baby I'd be helping by giving my breastmilk to. I found a website called MilkShare, which is actually just an online Yahoo Group, and signed up to be a donor. Within days I had over 5 different families contacting me asking if they could be my recipient. I went through the e-mails one by one, contacted a couple of them, and finally decided on the best family situation for my milk to go to. Some of the things to consider when deciding who to donate to are: age similarities between donor/recipient babies, health concerns of a recipient baby, is the need a real need or simply a mom overworried (while still pregnant) about not being able to feed her baby (which is rare), location of donor and recipient (relevant to shipping or personal delivery of the breastmilk) and if you click with the family in general or not. As a recipient of breastmilk, you also have to decide if you want to trust the person giving it to you or if you want to pay for blood tests out of pocket to ensure your baby is getting healthy breastmilk.
So...after getting an e-mail from a family in CT I asked a few more questions and decided that they would be my primary recipients. I am so excited for this opportunity! The reasons I chose this family and particular baby are:
1) We are both having girls (I know it REALLY doesn't matter in the slightest, but I felt just a little more connected to them because of it).
2) This baby is being born to a surrogate mother, meaning her "real" mom (who contacted us) won't be able to produce milk for her at all, due to never having been pregnant.
3) The baby is due at the end of November, and mine is due NOW. This means that I will have plenty of time to establish a healthy supply for baby Jeanine and also to begin pumping and saving all of my excess for quite a while before they will actually need it. The timing is impeccable! God definitely knew what he was doing in this situation.
4) The last reason is simple: I believe that a family who knows about the benefits of breastfeeding and seeks out breastmilk as their first option for feeding their child from the beginning has the best interests of their baby in mind, even before she's born. Instead of resigning themselves to the fact that they can't breastfeed themselves (thereby choosing formula), they have proactively taken steps towards obtaining the very best for their baby, and I'm impressed with that!
So anyway, that is what has me excited today and this week, and probably for many months to come. I'm definitely a "closet" milk donator and would love others to become interested in this awesome opportunity to help babies get the best start in life.
The One That Got Away
1) Spiders are vindictive. This one knew I was coming to kill it and would now be hunting me in my sleep.
2) Now I have to put a towel underneath the bedroom doors so that it can't snuggle up with me or John
3) Spiders move...where is it now!? I'm so afraid now that I'll open a box of cheerios and it'll be staring up at me saying, "What?! My cheerios."
Oh what's a girl to do?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
It has begun...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Where, oh where is our baby girl?
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Where's Tom?
As for Isaac, the craziness has begun! He's away this weekend at a show, back for 6 days (during which we hope Jeanine is born!), then gone for 7 days 6 nights at another. That is only the beginning of the end-of-summer/fall madness that will be Isaac's work schedule, but monetarily it's already paying off and God has been blessing his work. We hope to get almost entirely debt free this fall so that we can spend our money more wisely on lasting Godly things in the coming months/years. I know this next few months will be hard on all of us, but it will be well worth it in the end, since our children are still too young to remember daddy being gone so much right now.
Isaac also got a job interview with the Kent Fire Department mid to late August, woohoo! They are interviewing 29 people, making a hiring list from those candidates, and beginning an academy in January '09. Please pray that the interview goes well and they look favorably upon Isaac! What a blessing it would be for him to be able to start a new job with the new year!