Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New House Video


Jen said...

Looks very nice, can't wait to come and see it!

Lauren said...

I love it!!! Looks so awesome! I can't believe how settled in you already are...except that I know you so well, so I actually *can* believe it! ;o)

Lauren said...
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Emily said...

That looks so nice! How is it that there isn't a pile of toys in the livingroom and your bed is made?! Wow, my house looks like a toddler tornado LOL.

Jaime said...

WOW!!! It is beautiful. You're fast!

Jodi said...

Looks awesome guys! Glad you are all settled in. Sorry we couldn't be there for the big move. :)

Morgan said...

Beautiful house!!! I love how it's all decorated, too. Our house is still pretty bare.