Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy Little Bees

We're home! During only one hectic week, I managed to pack up the old house, move, and completely unpack the new house! We absolutely love our new place and have no intentions of going anywhere any time soon. We've even got all our pictures hung on the walls, it couldn't be any more like home than it is now. The move went very smoothely, with (I think) about 17 people there to move us from the apartment to the new house. We all managed to get the truck loaded and apartment clean in under an hour and a half, then unload the truck at the new house in about 45 minutes. It was so efficient that I even put some of the ladies to work unpacking my kitchen and getting the kids' room put together! Here's just a few pictures from the packing process on the day of the move, in no particular order. I'll post a video of the new house in a while.
Old House:

New House:

More to follow!

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