Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Our little reader

I thought this was hilarious and adorable. I was making lunch before naptime, John was super tired and wanted to go to bed NOW, and this is what I found when lunch was ready...
My baby, just thumbing through one of his books like a pro!
Poor Mike...he really truly thinks we love him enough to get him his own crib. He sleeps in it all day long, unless he's eating and getting fatter. He's in for a big surprise when we have this baby though!

Last week Isaac took his physical test (CPAT) associated with the Public Safety Test that he took a few months back. He passed it (it's pass/fail), and we're one step closer to getting some interview opportunities with several different departments in western WA. We also found out, however, that even though his Seattle fire dept. ranking was extremely high, Seattle has now pushed back any and all of their hiring procedures until at least next January. Originally it looked as if Isaac would be able to go through the process of hiring through the rest of this year and possibly start an academy (if hired) in January, but it looks like it's going to be a much longer wait now. I guess we'll just have to be patient, and wait on what the Lord has for us. Please continue to keep us in your prayers regarding Isaac and getting hired on a fire department in the future!

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