- I went 12 days past my due date...
- ...only to be blessed with another beautiful homebirth with our midwife, Nancy Spencer, and massage therapist, Katie Greenfield...
- ...where I gave birth to our second SON, yay! We hadn't found out the baby's gender so it was quite a dramatic and wonderful scene getting to find out for myself. I got to cut his cord too!
- We named him William Hudson, and he was 8lbs 9oz. and 20.5" long...my biggest baby by about a pound! He is such a sweet and darling little boy, a good nurser, is just starting to smile socially at me and Isaac, and just last night we moved him to his brand new crib in Johnny's room where he slept from 10:30pm to 5:45am! Good boy :)
- We are adjusting to life with 3 littles here and I think it's going pretty well. I have still yet to figure out how to keep up with ALL the house chores AND keep all 3 kids happy all day, but we're working on it ;) At least the laundry is caught up most of the time and regardless of what the floor looks like, we're still happy here.
- I am enjoying cloth diapering both little ones a LOT. It's been a different experience cloth diapering a newborn (since I started Jeanine in cloth when she was about 8 months), but it has been fully enjoyable and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. It was nowhere near as much work as I thought it was going to be.
- John is doing well. He loves William to death, enjoys playing on his computer and looking through books, and is starting to get better at writing his letters which he can now recognize by sight. Fairly soon I'm going to start teaching him all the letter sounds (better than he knows them right now) so that we can get an early jump on reading. He's dying to learn!
- Jeanine has been teething FOR.TWO.WHOLE.MONTHS! The poor girl is a wreck most of the time and sleeps all the time! She's such a sweet and smart little thing and speaks in full sentences now. She and I enjoy being girly sometimes by painting our nails and doing our hair up. Let's just say I'm really glad I got at least one girl in the mix :)
- Isaac is still super busy but enjoying his job on the fire department. He works 48 hours straight at the station and then is off for 4 days. We LOVE this! It's a perfect fit for our family and we're proud to be a fire fighter's family!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
In Case You Hadn't Guessed...
I'm no longer blogging! I have decided that blogging is an aspect of my life that I'm just not that into anymore. Since my last blog post:
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Big Girl, Big Bed!
After a lot of discussion and exploring the pros and cons of making a major change, we decided Jeanine was ready for a big girl bed before the baby comes. Might as well take advantage of the fact that she slept in a twin bed at my sister's house last week for a nice long nap, right? So before her afternoon nap today the whole family helped out in changing her crib to a toddler daybed and she couldn't have been happier with the new arrangement! It did take a bit (she got out of her bed twice and opened her door) to get her to stay put and sleep but after she fell asleep on her own with the door closed she slept for over 2 hours!

Friday, February 19, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
January left-overs
Our New (to us) Blessing
No, I didn't have the baby yet...that will be a whole different kind of blessing! But, last month we were able to get me another van, yay! In case you don't remember, September 8th of last year my van was smashed to smitherines and we became a single car family for several months. In all honesty it wasn't that bad and we would have gotten by with it for a lot longer than we did, but Isaac's work circumstances made it impossible for me to take him to work and have the car (long story), and being carless much more often than having a car was taxing on all of us. SO...we packed up the family and went out in search of the perfect van for us all. And this is what we ended up with!
It's a light blue 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan! We have lots of room for the 4 of us, new baby, and plenty of stuff that goes along with carting around a family of 5. It's already been such a blessing, though we had some issues with the dealer we bought it from, but that's all fixed and the van is wonderful. I'm enjoying new freedom again being able to get out of the house when we're all stir crazy and need a coffee fix ;) (OK, maybe I'm the only one who needs that, but still...)

Saturday, January 30, 2010
My Little Pony

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